5 drinks that are good for your singing voice
You will find plenty of articles with this title, but actually the person who should decide, what is good or not for your singing voice, is you. But let's play the game...
I will share with you my personal experience over the years.
1. Water
Water, water, water... the more, the better. Our own body contains 60-75% water. You can survive without food for 30 - 40 days, but without water the chances are getting smaller and smaller. Many sources claim that an average person should take 8 glasses of water per day, 200ml each. Many others say that the consumption of water should be calculated with a magical formula (I think it was " the height divided by the weight", but still not sure about it). The personal need of water depends also on your daily tasks and physical activities. If you do not consume enough water, you might feel dizzy, tired, fatigue, even depressed. But if we put the medical aspects aside and focus only on what the voice needs, taking enough water is very important in order to keep the vocal folds hydrated, healthy and in shape.
2. Ginger tea
If you ask my doctor, he would probably say "yes and no". Why? Because ginger is a little bit spicy, but it is best for preventing cold and boosting your immune system. Me personally, when I have a very long singing session and feel that the voice is tired, I drink two cups with a looooot of honey.
You can buy a good one at any health food store or you can make one yourself by putting some root pieces in a hot water.
3. Licorice root or "Throat Coat"
This is something I have recently discovered and I was a bit sceptical about it. But I went to the shop and bought the first one I found. I read several articles about its effect before trying it out. I found out that excessive consumption of liquorice may result in adverse effects. This was also written on the box of the one I bought. The consumption was limited to maximum 3 cups a day, not having to mention that it contains black tea and caffeine.
So, what are the potential benefits:
Reduce phlegm, helps sore throat and coughing, treat digestive problems, such as acid reflux and indigestion, reduce body fat, weight loss.
And the side effects:
Hormonal problems, headache, fatigue, high blood pressure, water retention, muscle pain.
My personal experience so far with this tea is two to three times a week and it really creates a "throat coat", the hydration in that area is insane.. Love it! I just need to find one that doesn't contain caffeine.
4. Hot water with honey and lemon
This is something I tried for only 3 days... Why? because the lemon actually dries the throat. So I'd rather switch to only warm water with honey. This works well for me.
It is also known that citrus fruits contain acid which promote acid reflux. Acid reflux can exacerbate voice loss, at least this is what they say...
5. Rooibos tea
It's my favourite tea. It doesn't contain caffeine, reduces stress, calms your nerves and my throat feels hydrated after several cups. It might not be your cup of tea ;) Give it a try!